
Monday, February 6, 2012

ocean animals with women

They are daydreaming series with watercolor and acrylic mixed on the paper. Lately I am just concentrating to make money for living.  My beloved art has to be postponed until I set up some business for keep going with exhibitions. I am having lots of fun with this kind of decoration art, at least my heart is light and delightful, there is no heavy feelings. These paintings for me have closer relationships with material world, like shopping which are very much needed in real life.

But I can't forget oil paintings, they are heavy and real... Painting oil is completely another world story... For me it is to be naked on winter forest to look for something essential to live. If I am wearing clothes I can't find it. Never. Digging hidden mind or taking layer off of invisible being. Important thing is it has to be without intention or force. The tricky thing is all I need is connection which flee so easily...

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