Life is always full of surprises, sometimes bad sometimes good... I am not good to predict what will be happening next in life. Almost a month ago I started face book page thing and... this changed my conception of friends forever in my life. I thought a lot about my father and how he carried on his bitterness towards his death bed. In my case I just needed to understand how human nature reacts to certain situations.. For the first time I realized that what my father warned me about was actually true. That doesn't change anything much but my conception of friends has been expanded in a bigger circle. I realized that I have many good friends and will be always more but the meaning of best friend is gone now on.. This was a truly valuable lesson. My father didn't understand that direction of blame had to be on their weakness and nothing was or is personal. For me it was bitter to see them losing... Like this iguana who wish that weak human finds his own strength.
By the way facebook experience is just amazing, everyday more people come to my page, they like my drawings I suppose?! First That page was made for promotion of my print shop in etsy but now... eerrr it looks like more about my drawing page. But while I am doing this, new idea about my print shop is keep coming to my head so it is all good. Major portion of people on my page are korean and scottish university students and french students, then all over the world... I can see that they are mostly related with art subject. I just didn't see this coming and how powerful face book is ! I am very flattered and pleased. Now I need to prepare next two exhibitions and one of them is really a small affair of church in my village but what excites me is "for two days" that church is all "mine", hihihi (joyful screech) and the place is lovely, fantastic and wonderfully dusty. When I stepped in that church first time I heard stories... whispering sound... sacred and peaceful. I always love small church. So today I started oil, yes! It wasn't easy and I am still struggling to change my antena, but I know it will be better. I feel I am home again.... There was Sunday event dance performance in Caen but I broke my promise with friends. I said to myself it's ok to be selfish to paint oil....
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