I finally finished the book of Arthur Zajonc yesterday night, it took me almost a year (I treasure this book) and to the following book somehow I picked up Dalai Lama from my bookshelves. I searched his real name through internet and found some videos him talking. For me it was the first time I heard his voice. Then I found 'quantum physic's two slit experimental discussions or explanations. Boom. I was really fascinated and honestly I laughed so loud with a bursting inner joy! First it wasn't easy to understand without another search and probably I did not fully understand the sense of science words. But when I reached even just a mere understanding what quantum physic is about, I knew that it was a kind of answer I wanted to confirm in some ways.
It is talking about wave, particle, perception, observation, emptiness, interconnections, abandoning classical pictures and true nature of reality. Reality is projection of mind and it doesn't exist without defining mind. Lately when I paint I get much desire to mix lines, time and object (sans gravité) all in one small canvas without much real measurement, I was asking to myself if I am putting the ambiguity between lines or simply ghost effects between two objects. In fact this ambiguity of quantum is totally new conceptual openness to me as theory. yes or no person I had been as two dimensional person probably, now I can see my old paintings with all distinguished cutting lines and colors. Always happy to correct my ignorance. My subject 'Time' on my site is indeed about the new system out of my heart. Let two aspects of reality spread in one side canvas using open space which is vast, empty and full of possibility of consciousness. Empty canvas creates empty holes inside... Am I able to do that?!?
What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning. W. K. Heisenberg
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