Two paintings here I am showing started just now is about painful area in our subconscious mind. I believe that we all have these areas in our mind somewhere, we don't want to see or feel them again. We burry them deep inside and they make great iceberg fragments that covers our true being. So we don't see who we are and how we made ourselves by our own mind in this life. Or we just see what we can see in front of us but not believing in our true being. My four new canvas will continue with the subject "unconscious mind" and I am excited. When we see ourselves in entire angles we become much more free and eventually see the threshold of the secret world that we've never imagined before.

Twelve years ago my old cuban friend once told me that you concentrate on filling your pocket in life or you care to have more friends, it's your choice. And also I remember when I was crying in the small dark waiting room, the old cuban lady told me 'mira, todo es un momento.... ' I knew she was right then. Everything is just a moment. All the difficult time will pass as furious wind blowing disappears the very next day on the same field. And it does. It all depends on how we hold on to it. Because life is such a gift which I have to use it wisely with full of respect and appreciation. Yes, life is difficult, it is a challenge to all.
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