I started two new paintings and it is about the moment we feel connected with nature. These are left part people in the paintings. I tried several times to put an earth animal in one of these two paintings but I just couldn't... If I put a running white horse here (which I was trying many times in my head) it will be a fake, because their spirits are not with me at this moment. During my trip I didn't see whales but why they haunt me that I have no idea. Their images, sounds, movement follow me... I close my eyes and they are there to make me smile and they say everything is fine or it was me saying that to them?
And Ive been thinking many times I could give my body to the sea. Here we go my strange thoughts come again but I truly feel that I belong to the sea world. The contact with water makes me free of all. Though I get scared in front of it, when the sea world calls me I have no desire to resist... The beginning of darkness, fresh coldness as well as brightest sun and moon reflexions, sunset by... the water and the depth of silence !
In these paintings I wanted to make those moments we get connected with pure nature and the following happiness permeated into our existences without intentions. And my Angel's heart series are keep going with another sea animal once again. It's not fair, I feel but there's nothing I could do at the moment. I belong there maybe just now. Someday soon I could make a horse again.
Holy Longing
The gleam of the silent candle fills you with a strange emotion. You remain a prisoner no longer in the shadowing darkness, and a new desire snatches you upwards to a higher union. No distance can weigh you down, you come flying, fascinated, and at last, lusting for the light, poor moth, you perish in the flame. And until you possess it, this commandment; Die and become! you will be but a dismal guest on the dark earth. Goeth.
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