Still many days to go to finish this whale. Underwater world always gets my attention and some spices are just amazing. All creatures in this world are so unique and they are shining when they use their own gifts within lights. I often see all sea animals in my dream and I am flying above. And that is amazing ! The feeling of dream sometimes stays for the next day or so. I live in two different worlds and I love it. Almost 2 years ago I met this whale, breathing quietly and I was afraid to wake him up. There were white ribbons around him, of course I didn't have a boat because I always breath in the water (only in my dream). I put mountain here because underwater can be in the middle of nowhere. Space makes magic. Couple of days ago I changed the man with a boat, I felt something was missing and I started to think why I want to have a big whale here? It was based on my dream but my attraction was there about this sea animal and then I was searching for what I needed for this whale.... and it came up this rawing man who presents my situation with his fragile but firmly made his own boat.
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